Australia customs tariff update
Australia customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates and preferential duty rates for certain products classified under the different tariff chapters.
Brazil customs tariff update
Brazil customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the preferential duty rates for various products classified under the different tariff chapters.
Bolivia customs tariff update
Bolivia customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the addition/deletion of HTS codes, changes in the import duty rates for various products classified under the different tariff chapters.
Canada customs tariff update
Canada customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the addition/deletion of HTS codes, changes in the product description, import duty and preferential duty rates for various products classified across the tariff chapter 29, 71, 91 and 95.
EU customs tariff update
EU customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes changes in the general duty rates and preferential duty rates for various products classified across tariff chapters 07, 08, 22, 39, 61, 73 etc.
Switzerland customs tariff update
The Switzerland customs Tariff has been updated and effective from 1 September 2024.
This update status mainly contains:
- Amended customs duties as a result of amendments to the Agricultural Import Ordinance, AEV (SR 916.01) (FOAG): Annex 2, ‘Customs duties of the market organisations for seed grain, feedstuffs, oilseeds, customs duties of goods whose processing results in feedstuffs, and customs duties of coarse grain for human consumption’;
- Renaming of the abbreviation of the following non-customs decree (Restriction Code 801): ‘Cultural property’ to ‘BAK - Cultural property (in accordance with control element 911)’;
- new non-customs decree (Restriction Code 802) ‘BAK - cultural goods (other than control element 911)’:
- Import: for control element (special statistical segregation) 912 for the following tariff numbers:
9701.2100, 9701.2200, 9701.2900, 9701.9100, 9701.9200, 9701.9900, 9702.1000, 9702.9000, 9703.1000, 9703.9000, 9704.0000, 9705.1000, 9705.2100, 9705.2200, 9705.2900, 9705.3100, 9705.3900, 9706.1000, 9706.9000
- Export: for the control element (special statistical elimination) 913 for the following tariff numbers:
9701.2100, 9701.2200, 9701.2900, 9701.9100, 9701.9200, 9701.9900, 9702.1000, 9702.9000, 9703.1000, 9703.9000, 9704.0000, 9705.1000, 9705.2100, 9705.2200, 9705.2900, 9705.3100, 9705.3900, 9706.1000, 9706.9000;
South Africa customs tariff update
Customs and Excise Act, 1964: The tariff amendments notices, scheduled for publication in the Government Gazette, relate to the amendments to :
- Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the substitution of tariff subheadings 1001.91 and 1001.99 as well as 1101.00.10, 1101.00.20, 1101.00.30 and 1101.00.90, to reduce the rate of customs duty on wheat and wheaten flour from 17,63c/kg and 26,45c/kg, respectively to free of duty, in terms of the existing variable tariff formula (ITAC Minute M04/2024); and
- Part 1 of Schedule No. 1, by the substitution of tariff subheadings 1701.12, 1701.13, 1701.14, 1701.91, and 1701.99, to increase the rate of customs duty on sugar from 109.36c/kg to 234.89c/kg in term the existing variable tariff formula (ITAC Minute 03/2024).
UK customs tariff update
The following commodity codes have been absorbed as of 1 January 2025:
- 0302818000 is being absorbed into 0302815000
- 0302818000 is being absorbed into 0302817000
- 0303819000 is being absorbed into 0303815000
- 0303819000 is being absorbed into 0303818000
- 0304881900 is being absorbed into 0304882200
- 0304881900 is being absorbed into 0304882900
- 0305710010 is being absorbed into 0305000000
- 0305710010 is being absorbed into 0305711510
- 0305710010 is being absorbed into 0305713010
- 0305710010 is being absorbed into 0305714010
- 0305710010 is being absorbed into 0305715010
- 0305710010 is being absorbed into 0305719010
- 0305710090 is being absorbed into 0305000000
- 0305710090 is being absorbed into 0305711590
- 0305710090 is being absorbed into 0305713090
- 0305710090 is being absorbed into 0305714090
- 0305710090 is being absorbed into 0305715090
- 0305710090 is being absorbed into 0305719090
UK update to Commodity Code Structure to maintain dynamic alignment with the EU
The UK customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the addition of HTS codes 8431390020, 8431492010, 8431492090, 8431498010, 8431498090.