Argentina Customs tariff update
Argentina customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the HTS codes and VAT rates for certain product classified under tariff chapters 15, 34, 64 and 88.
Bolivia Customs tariff update
Bolivia customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapter 27.
El Salvador Customs tariff update
El Salvador customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapter 04.
EU Customs tariff update
EU customs authority has updated the HTS correlation table for 2025 HTS codes. Update includes the HTS addition and merged for various HTS codes classified under tariff chapters 03, 07, 27, 29, 31, 44, 85 etc.
EU Customs tariff update
EU customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates and preferential duty rates for various products classified under tariff chapters 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09. Etc.
Norway Customs tariff update
Norway customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the product’s description, import duty and preferential duty rates for various products classified across the tariff chapters.
South Korea Customs tariff update
South Korea customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the consumption tax and environment tax rates for certain products classified under the tariff chapters 27 and 29.
Taiwan Customs tariff update
Taiwan customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the HTS codes, product description, Unit of measurement and preferential duty rates for various products classified across the tariff chapters.
Turkey Customs tariff update
Turkey customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates for various products classified across the tariff chapters.
United Kingdom Customs tariff update
United Kingdom customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates for certain product classified across the different tariff chapters.
United States Customs tariff update
United States customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the HTS codes and/or import duty rates for certain product classified under tariff chapters 84, 85, 98 and 99.
Vietnam Customs tariff update
Vietnam customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the preferential duty rates for various products classified across the tariff chapters.