The Next Phase in Brazil’s Import Process Transformation

From Siscomex to DUIMP: The Ongoing Migration and What’s Ahead for Import Operations
August 28, 2024
Written by Alex Martinowski

The Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services (Secex/MDIC) and the Special Secretariat of the Federal Revenue of Brazil of the Ministry of Finance (RFB/MF) inform that the import operations that are currently carried out by the Siscomex LI/DI system will now be carried out through the Single Import Declaration (DUIMP) on the Single Foreign Trade Portal as of October of this year.

The Single Foreign Trade Portal Program aims to simplify and increase the efficiency of foreign trade processes. The program is in line with international best practices, resulting in shorter deadlines and lower costs for the private sector, as well as improved public management through modern control mechanisms based on the intensive use of technology and risk management. In addition, benefits include a 99% reduction in paper use, joint inspection by different government agencies, use of the same license for multiple operations, payment of fees through the Single Portal, interoperability in the exchange of certificates, among others.

What’s Coming: Key Milestones in the DUIMP Shift

In this first stage, maritime import operations for consumption and under special customs regimes not subject to licensing will be migrated to the new system. The first stage will also include customs transit for the release of goods in secondary zones.

In the first half of 2025, the phasing will advance to include imports via air transport and operations subject to administrative control, that is, imports that require import licensing, in addition to external purchases covered by the Drawback Suspension and Exemption regimes.

The third phase, scheduled for the second half of 2025, will expand migration to land imports and those carried out under the Manaus Free Trade Zone regime.

The shutdown schedule was presented to the private sector in virtual events held between May and July 2024. The participation of the private sector during this stage reinforced the collaborative approach adopted throughout the construction of the Single Foreign Trade Portal Program. The complete shutdown of Siscomex LI/DI is estimated to be completed by the end of 2025.

A Game-Changer in Trade: Meet the New Portal

The Single Foreign Trade Portal Program is a Federal Government initiative to reduce bureaucracy, time and costs in Brazilian exports and imports, in order to meet foreign trade demands more efficiently.

The main objectives are to reformulate the export and import processes, making them more efficient and harmonized, and to create a single window to centralize the interaction between the government and private operators involved in foreign trade. The Single Portal replaced Siscomex, which has been in force since 1993.

The Program was recognized as an institutional measure with a major impact on improving the business and investment environment, given its potential impact on increasing GDP (an estimated US$130 billion more by 2040) and greater fluidity in foreign trade, reducing deadlines and costs for the private sector and improving public management.

Stepping Forward with Confidence

The transition to Brazil’s DUIMP system represents a mandatory and transformative update that every company involved in import operations must adopt. Failure to comply with these new procedures could result in significant disruptions, delays, and compliance issues, potentially compromising your entire supply chain.

As the deadline approaches, it's crucial to ensure your business is fully prepared to meet these new requirements. If you find yourself needing additional support, CATTS is here to assist. Whether you have questions or need a bit of extra help, don’t hesitate to reach out—we’re just a call away.


Smooth Your Transition

Adapting to Brazil's new DUIMP system doesn't have to be stressful. Let CATTS guide you through the process with our expert consulting services. We're here to ensure your import operations are efficient and compliant. Ready to make the switch seamlessly?

Let Us Help You