China launches safeguard investigation on meat of bovine animals
China notified the WTO's Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 27 December 2024 a safeguard investigation on meat of bovine animals.
EU: Panel established to review EU duties on imports of fatty acid from Indonesia
The Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) agreed at its meeting to a request from Indonesia for the establishment of a panel to review the European Union’s anti-dumping duties on fatty acid imported from Indonesia.
The EU launches safeguard investigation on manganese and silicon-based alloying elements
The European Union notified the WTO's Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 19 December 2024 a safeguard investigation on “manganese and silicon-based alloying elements”.
India launches safeguard investigation on non-alloy and alloy steel flat products
India notified the WTO's Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 19 December 2024 a safeguard investigation on non-alloy and alloy steel flat products.
Jordan launches safeguard investigation on safety and protective footwear
Jordan notified the WTO's Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 1 December 2024 a safeguard investigation on safety and protective footwear.
Madagascar launches safeguard investigation on tomato products
Madagascar notified the WTO's Committee on Safeguards that it would initiate on 31 December 2024 a safeguard investigation on tomato products.
WTO issues panel report regarding agricultural import measures in Panama
The WTO circulated the panel report in the case brought by Costa Rica in “Panama — Measures Concerning the Importation of Certain Products from Costa Rica” (DS599).
WCO Enhances Timor-Leste Customs Authority’s Expertise in Rules of Origin
The World Customs Organization (WCO) held a national workshop on Rules of Origin for the Timor-Leste Customs Authority in Dili, Timor-Leste. This workshop, funded by the China Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF-China), was designed to enhance the competencies of Timor-Leste Customs officials by providing training on Rules of Origin and Advance Rulings, which are essential for the correct application and implementation of Free Trade Agreements (FTAs).
WCO Launches the Smart Customs Community Portal
The World Customs Organization (WCO) is proud to unveil its new Smart Customs Community Portal, a platform created under the Smart Customs Project and funded by the Customs Cooperation Fund of China (CCF-China). This initiative aims to bridge the digital divide among WCO Members, empowering them to leverage disruptive technologies to enhance global supply chain security and efficiency, in alignment with the WCO 2022/2025 Strategic Plan's focus on technology and innovation. Designed as a vibrant hub for collaboration and partnership, the Portal fosters peer-to-peer learning and knowledge-sharing. It serves as a launchpad for Customs administrations to boost their performance, explore innovative technological solutions, and drive progress through collective expertise and innovation.
- Public and Restricted Sections
The Portal offers both public sections for broad knowledge dissemination, and restricted areas for WCO Members to engage in focused dialogue and peer learning. These member-only sections are designed to encourage in-depth discussions on technology adoption and the digitalization of Customs operations.
- Future Enhancements
In upcoming releases, the Portal will introduce additional features, including a section dedicated to resources gathered through stakeholder consultations and a research corner that will provide insights from academia into research on the adoption of disruptive technologies in Customs.
WCO assists Thai Customs in implementing the WCO Data Model
The World Customs Organization (WCO), with financial support from the Customs Cooperation Fund (CCF) of China, successfully held a National Workshop on the WCO Data Model (WCO DM) and Single Window Data harmonization in Bangkok, Thailand, from 9 to 13 December 2024. Finnish Customs supported the Workshop by providing one of its WCO DM experts to help facilitate the Workshop. The event aimed to improve Thai Customs officials' knowledge of the WCO DM as a global standard for data exchange, and provide them with the skills necessary to successfully implement the data standard. The Workshop focused on enabling the Thai Customs to develop a National data catalogue that fully aligns with the WCO DM.