Anti-dumping Duty updates 04/21

April 8, 2021

Brazil: Ministry of Economy of Brazil published the Consolidated Guide for Antidumping investigation

The Secretariat of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Economy of Brazil published the combined category of the antidumping investigation guide. It helps the public to access the contribution received and can be accessed on the SECEX page ministry website. The combined guide is divided into three parts with questions and answers. Part 1 shows the important key concepts. This document is prepared based on Brazilian legislation and the publication prepared by Secretariat for Trade Defense and Public Interest (SDCom). This also helps Brazilian exporters to investigate in commercial defense process. 

Canada anti-dumping duty update

Pursuant to paragraph 41(1)(b) of the Special Import Measures Act, the Canada Border Services Agency made a final determination on March 23, 2021 respecting the dumping of certain wheat gluten originating in or exported from Australia, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Lithuania. 

Canada: Notice of initiation of expiry review investigation

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT), pursuant to subsection 76.03(3) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), initiated an expiry review of its order made on April 18, 2016, in Expiry Review No. RR‑2015‑001, concerning the dumping and subsidizing of certain steel grating originating in or exported from the People's Republic of China (China). As a result of the CITT’s expiry review, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has today initiated an expiry review investigation to determine, pursuant to paragraph 76.03(7)(a) of SIMA, whether the expiry of the order is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping and/or subsidizing of the subject goods. The CBSA will make a determination no later than August 26, 2021, and will issue a Statement of Reasons by September 9, 2021. The subject goods are "Carbon steel bar grating and alloy steel bar grating, consisting of load‑bearing pieces and cross pieces, produced as standard grating or heavy‑duty grating, in panel form, whether galvanized, painted, coated, clad or plated, originating in or exported from the People's Republic of China.” The subject goods are usually classified under the following tariff classification numbers: 7308.90.00.10; 7308.90.00.20; 7308.90.00.30; 7308.90.00.40; 7308.90.00.50; 7308.90.00.60; 7308.90.00.95; 7308.90.00.96 and 7308.90.00.99. 

China: Announcement on the Final Ruling of Anti-dumping Investigation into Imports of Wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) Originating in the Australia

In accordance with the Anti-dumping Regulations of the People's Republic of China, on August 18th 2020, the Ministry of Commerce of the People's Republic of China issued Announcement No.34 of 2020, deciding to carry out anti-dumping investigation into imports of Wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) originating in the Australia. The Investigation Authority has preliminarily affirmed dumping of imports of Wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) originating in the Australia, substantial damage to China's domestic wine and the causal relationship between the dumping and the substantial damage, decided to carry out the interim anti-dumping measures by levying deposit starting from November 28th 2020.
According to the investigation findings and Article 24 and 25 of the Anti-dumping Regulations, the Investigation Authority continued the investigation and issued the final ruling that the dumping of imports of Wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) originating in the Australia exists, it causes substantial damage to China's domestic wine industry and the causal relationship between the dumping and the substantial damage exits.
In accordance with Article 38 of the Anti-dumping Regulations, with the suggestion from China MOFCOM the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council decided to impose formal anti-dumping duties (range from 116.2%~218.4%) on imports of Wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) (China HTS 22042100) originating in the Australia starting from March 28th, 2021, effective for 5 years. From November 28th, 2020 to March 27th, 2021, the deposit provided by relevant importer to the Customs in accordance with the announcement of the preliminary ruling shall be based on the scope of goods subject to anti-dumping duties and the anti-dumping duty rate determined by the final ruling. 

China: Announcement on the Final Ruling of Countervailing Investigation into Imports of Wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) Originating in the Australia

According to Article 11 and Article 13 of the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Countervailing Measures, MOFCOM decided to file a countervailing investigation into imports of Wines in containers holding 2 liters or less originating in the Australia starting from August 31st, 2020.
The Investigation Authority investigated whether there are countervailing and the amount for the products under investigation, whether the products under investigation have caused damage to the China domestic industry and the extent of the damage, and the causal relationship between subsidies and damage. According to the results of the investigation and the provisions of Article 25 of the Countervailing Regulations, on December 10th, 2020, the Investigation Authority issued a preliminary ruling announcement determining that there is a subsidy for imported wines in containers (holding 2 liters or less) originating in Australia, and the domestic wine industry is substantively affected. damage, and there is a causal relationship between subsidies and material damage.
After the preliminary ruling, the Investigation Authority continued to investigate the amount of subsidies, the degree of damage and the causal relationship between subsidies and damage. The Investigation Authority finally determined that there is a subsidy for imported wines originating in Australia, the China domestic wine industry has suffered substantial damage, and there is a causal relationship between the subsidy and the substantial damage. In view of the fact that an anti-dumping investigation on August 18, 2020 was initiated on the same products, and same results were obtained. In order to avoid double taxation, with the consent of the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council, MOFCOM decided not to impose countervailing duties on imported wines originating in Australia. 

Eurasian Economic Commission imposed anti-dumping duty on welded tubes, pipes, and hollow profiles of stainless

EEC has imposed anti-dumping duties on the products like welded tubes, pipes, and hollow profiles of stainless steel that originated in China. 

European union anti-dumping duty updates

The Commission has published a regulation imposing definitive duties on imports of aluminium extrusions originating in the People’s Republic of China. The anti-dumping duties imposed range from 21.2% to 32.1%. 

India imposed anti-dumping duty on Flexible slabstock polyol

CBIC has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Flexible slabstock polyol (classified under tariff chapters 39) originating in or exported from Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates for a period of five years.  

India extend the levy of Anti-Dumping duty on Melamine

CBIC has extended the levy of Anti-Dumping duty on Melamine originating in or exported from China PR, up to and inclusive of 30th September, 2021.  

India imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of Polyethylene

CBIC has imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) resin (Classified under tariff chapter 37) originating in or exported from China PR for a period of 5 years. 

India imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of 2-Ethyl hexanol

CBIC has imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of 2-Ethyl hexanol (classified under tariff chapter 29) originating in or exported from European Union, Indonesia, Korea RP, Malaysia, Taiwan and United States of America for a period of 5 years. 

India imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of “Faced Glass Wool in Rolls”

CBIC has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of “Faced Glass Wool in Rolls” (Classified under tariff heading 7019) originating in or exported from People's Republic of China.

India imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride

CBIC has imposed definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride (classified under tariff chapter 29) originating in or exported from China PR for a period of five years from the date of levy of provisional anti-dumping duty, i.e. 2nd September, 2020. 

India imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of 'Black Toner in powder

CBIC has imposed anti-dumping duty on imports of 'Black Toner in powder form' (classified under tariff header 3707) originating in or exported from China PR, Malaysia, and Chinese Teipei for a period of 5 years from the date of imposition of provisional ADD, i.e. from 10th August 2020. 

India imposed Anti-Dumping duty on Phenol 

CBIC has extended the levy of Anti-Dumping duty on Phenol originating in or exported from European Union and Singapore, up to and inclusive of 7th June, 2021. 

India imposed Countervailing/anti-subsidy duty on imports of “Textured Tempered Glass”

CBIC has imposed definitive Countervailing/anti-subsidy duty on imports of “Textured Tempered Glass” (classified under tariff header 7007) originating in or exported from Malaysia. 

Japanese government makes a preliminary determination in its anti-dumping duty investigation regarding dipotassium carbonate

The Japanese Ministry of Finance (MOF) published a report issued by the Council on Customs, Tariff, Foreign Exchange and other Transactions stating that it would be appropriate to impose a 30.8% anti-dumping duty on dipotassium carbonate originating in South Korea. On March 19, the Suga Cabinet approved a cabinet ordinance imposing a provisional anti-dumping duty. A 30.8% anti-dumping duty will be levied in addition to the 3.9% WTO tariff rate for four months — from the day following the publication of the cabinet ordinance on March 24 (from March 25) until July 24. Dipotassium carbonate, generally in the form of a white powder, is mainly used in glass (including liquid crystal panels) and as a food additive in lye water used to make ramen noodles and other products. In 2019, Japan imported a total of 6,565 tons of dipotassium carbonate, of which South Korea accounted for 80.5% (5,293 tons). Sales by domestic producers AGC Inc. and Nippon Soda Co., Ltd. dropped 16% from 2018 to 2019. As a result, an industry group formed by the two companies applied for the imposition of an anti-dumping duty on April 30, 2020. The MOF and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) initiated an investigation in response on June 29, 2020. After providing opportunities for interested parties, including a Korean supplier, to present evidence and express their views, the Japanese government made a preliminary determination presuming both that dumped products were imported and that domestic industry had been materially injured as a consequence on February 25, 2021.


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