Anti-dumping Duty updates October 2023

October 24, 2023

Canada: Notice of initiation of a re-investigation on Heavy Plate (HP 2023 RI)

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has initiated a re-investigation of the normal values and export prices of certain hot-rolled carbon steel heavy plate and high-strength low-alloy steel heavy plate exported from the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen and Matsu (Chinese Taipei) and the Federal Republic of Germany (Germany) to Canada. The re-investigation is part of the CBSA’s enforcement of the Canadian International Trade Tribunal’s (CITT) injury finding issued on February 5, 2021. Exporters that wish to participate in this re-investigation are required to provide a complete and accurate response to the CBSA’s request for information (RFI) by November 27, 2023. An exporter will be considered co-operative if the requested information is submitted on time and the exporter permits verification of the data.

Canada: Notice of final determinations - Wind towers (WT 2023 IN)

On October 18, 2023 the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA), pursuant to subsection 41(1)(b) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), made final determinations of dumping and subsidizing with respect to wind towers from China. 

  • The subject goods are usually classified under the tariff classification number: 7308.20.00.00
  • To a lesser extent, the subject goods may be classified under the following tariff classification number: 8502.31.00.00

The above-listed tariff classifications cover both subject and non-subject goods. The Canadian International Trade Tribunal is continuing its inquiry into the question of injury to the domestic industry and will make a finding by November 17, 2023. Additional information about these investigations is contained in a Statement of Reasons, which will be available within 15 days.

Canada: Notice of initiation of expiry review investigation- Sucker rods (SR 2023 ER)

On October 16, 2023, the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT), pursuant to subsection 76.03(1) of the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA), initiated an expiry review of its finding made on December 14, 2018, in Inquiry No. NQ-2018-001, concerning the dumping and subsidizing of certain sucker rods originating in or exported from China.  As a result of the CITT’s expiry review, the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) has today initiated an expiry review investigation to determine, pursuant to paragraph 76.03(7)(a) of SIMA, whether the rescission of the finding is likely to result in the continuation or resumption of dumping and/or subsidizing of the subject goods. The CBSA will make a determination no later than March 14, 2024, and will issue a Statement of reasons by April 2, 2024.

European Union: Notice of initiation of an expiry review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imports of certain pneumatic tyres, new or retreaded, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121 

EU has published notice of initiation of an expiry review of the anti-dumping measures applicable to imports of certain pneumatic tyres, new or retreaded, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121 originating in the People's Republic of China. The product subject to this review is certain pneumatic tyres, new or retreaded, of rubber, of a kind used for buses or lorries, with a load index exceeding 121 (‘the product under review’), currently falling under CN codes 4011 20 90 and ex 4012 12 00 (TARIC code 4012 12 00 10). The CN and TARIC codes are given for information only without prejudice to a subsequent change in the tariff classification.

European Union: amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1478 extending the definitive countervailing duty imposed by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/776, on imports of certain woven and/or stitched glass fibre fabrics 

EU has published notice to amend Implementing Regulation (EU) 2022/1478 extending the definitive countervailing duty imposed by Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/776, on imports of certain woven and/or stitched glass fibre fabrics originating in the People’s Republic of China and Egypt to imports of certain woven and/or stitched glass fibre fabrics consigned from Turkey, whether declared as originating in Turkey or not. The product under review is fabrics of woven, and/or stitched continuous filament glass fibre rovings and/or yarns with or without other elements, excluding products which are impregnated or pre-impregnated (pre-preg), and excluding open mesh fabrics with cells with a size of more than 1,8 mm in both length and width and weighing more than 35 g/m2 , currently classified under CN codes ex 7019 61 00, ex 7019 62 00, ex 7019 63 00, ex 7019 64 00, ex 7019 65 00, ex 7019 66 00, ex 7019 69 10, ex 7019 69 90 and ex 7019 90 00 (TARIC codes 7019 61 00 81, 7019 61 00 84, 7019 62 00 81, 7019 62 00 84, 7019 63 00 81, 7019 63 00 84, 7019 64 00 81, 7019 64 00 84, 7019 65 00 81, 7019 65 00 84, 7019 66 00 81, 7019 66 00 84, 7019 69 10 81, 7019 69 10 84, 7019 69 90 81, 7019 69 90 84, 7019 90 00 81 and 7019 90 00 84) consigned from Türkiye, whether declared as originating in Türkiye or not (TARIC codes 7019 61 00 83, 7019 62 00 83, 7019 63 00 83, 7019 64 00 83, 7019 65 00 83, 7019 66 00 83, 7019 69 10 83, 7019 69 90 83 and 7019 90 00 83).

European Union: amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/607 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of citric acid originating in the People’s Republic of China as extended to imports of citric acid 

EU has published notice amending Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/607 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of citric acid originating in the People’s Republic of China as extended to imports of citric acid consigned from Malaysia, whether declared as originating in Malaysia or not, following a ‘new exporter’ review pursuant to Article 11(4) of Regulation (EU) 2016/1036 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The product concerned by this investigation is the product under review originating in China currently falling under CN codes 2918 14 00 and ex 2918 15 00 (TARIC code 2918 15 00 11 and 2918 15 00 19).

European Commission launches investigation on subsidised electric cars 

The European Commission has formally launched today an anti-subsidy investigation into the imports of battery electric vehicles (BEV) from China. The investigation will first determine whether BEV value chains in China benefit from illegal subsidisation and whether this subsidisation causes or threatens to cause economic injury to EU BEV producers. Should both prove true, the investigation will examine the likely consequences and impact of measures on importers, users and consumers of battery electric vehicles in the EU. Based on the investigation's findings, the Commission will establish whether it is in the EU's interest to remedy the effects of the unfair trade practices found by imposing anti-subsidy duties on imports of battery electric vehicles from China.

India: implement Bilateral Safeguard measure on imports of "Ferro Molybdenum" from the Republic of Korea 

India customs authority has published order to implement Bilateral Safeguard measure on imports of "Ferro Molybdenum" (classified under tariff chapter 72) from the Republic of Korea under India-Korea Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (Bilateral Safeguard Measures) Rules, 2017 on the basis of DGTR recommendation.

India imposed Anti-dumping duty on imports of flax yarn of below 70 lea count 

India customs authority has imposed Anti-dumping duty on imports of flax yarn of below 70 lea count (classified under tariff chapter 53) originating in or exported from China PR.

United Kingdom: Updates to Trade Remedies Suspension of Anti-Dumping Duty on certain bicycle parts from China imported by Frog Bikes Limited

UK customs authority have made update to the coverage of suspensions on certain bicycle parts imported by Frog Bikes Limited on commodity codes within Chapter 87.

United Kingdom: Updates to Trade Remedies heavy plate measures

Administrative updates have been made to measures covering anti-dumping duty on certain heavy plate of non-alloy or other alloy steel products originating in the People’s Republic of China.

United States: Commerce Initiates Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations of Aluminum Lithographic Printing Plates 

On October 19, 2023, the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced the initiation of antidumping duty (AD) investigations of aluminum lithographic printing plates (printing plates) (Classified under HTS 3701.30.0000) from the People’s Republic of China (China) and Japan and a countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of printing plates from China.

United States: Final Affirmative Determination in the Countervailing Duty Investigation of Paper File Folders 

On October 2, 2023, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced its affirmative final determination in the countervailing duty (CVD) investigation of paper file folders (Classified under HTS 4820.30.0040) from India.

United States: Final Affirmative Determinations in the Antidumping Duty Investigations of Paper File Folders 

On October 2, 2023, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced its affirmative final determinations in the antidumping duty (AD) investigations of paper file folders (Classified under HTS 4820.30.0040) from the People’s Republic of China, India, and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

United States: Decision to Initiate Antidumping and Countervailing Duty Investigations of Certain Freight Rail Couplers and Parts Thereof

On October 19, 2022, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced the initiation of antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) investigations of certain freight rail couplers and parts thereof (freight rail couplers) from China and an AD investigation of freight rail couplers (Classified under HTS 8607.30.1000) from Mexico.

United States: Final Determination in the Antidumping Duty Investigation of Superabsorbent Polymers

On October 21, 2022, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced its affirmative final determination in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation of certain superabsorbent polymers (SAP) (classified under HTS 3906.90.5000) from South Korea.

United States: AD Preliminary Determination Investigation of White Grape Juice Concentrate

On October 28, 2022, the Department of Commerce (Commerce) announced its affirmative preliminary determination in the antidumping duty (AD) investigation of white grape juice concentrate (Classified under HTS 2834.10.1000) from Argentina.


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