Argentina Customs Tariff Updates
Argentina customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the HTS codes for certain product(s) classified under chapter 84.
Algeria Customs Tariff Updates
Algeria customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in HTS codes, import duty and VAT rates for certain products classified under the tariff chapters 70, 72, 84, 85 etc.
Australia Customs Tariff Updates
Australia customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapters 22, 27 34 etc.
Ecuador Customs Tariff Updates
Ecuador customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the HTS codes for certain product(s) classified under chapter 85.
Guatemala Customs Tariff Updates
Guatemala customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the addition/deletion of HTS codes and changes in the import duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapters 38, and 72.
India Customs Tariff Updates
India customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in agriculture Infrastructure and Development Cess (AIDC) tax rates for certain products classified under tariff heading 7110 and change in the import duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapter 71.
Thailand Customs Tariff Updates
Thailand customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import duty rates for certain products classified under chapter 94.
United Kingdom Customs Tariff Updates
The UK customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the excise duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapter 27.
United States Customs Tariff Updates
The US customs authority has updated the import tariff. The modifications set forth in this change record reflect updates made to the HTS after the 2022 HTS Revision 8 of July 27, 2022. Please note that the Change Record does not include staged rates, endnotes or minor non substantive adjustments to the format of any line. The following chapters have been reposted since the posting of the 2022 HTS Revision 8: Chapters 85, 94, 98, 99 and the Statistical Annexes.
Venezuela Customs Tariff Updates
Venezuela customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the addition/deletion of HTS codes and changes in the import duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapter 38.