WTO updates 02/22

February 18, 2022

Arbitrator issues decision in US-China dispute over subsidy duties

A WTO arbitrator issued a decision on the level of countermeasures China may request in its dispute with the United States regarding US countervailing duties on certain products from China (DS437). 

EU initiates WTO dispute complaint regarding Chinese restrictions on trade with Lithuania

The European Union has requested WTO dispute consultations with China concerning alleged Chinese restrictions on the import and export of goods, and the supply of services, to and from Lithuania or with a link to Lithuania. The request was circulated to WTO members on 31 January. 

EU initiates WTO dispute complaint regarding Egyptian import registration requirements

The European Union has requested WTO dispute consultations with Egypt concerning certain registration requirements for foreign entities owning trademarks and importing products into Egypt. The request was circulated to WTO members on 27 January. 

EU initiates WTO dispute complaint regarding Russian measures restricting wood exports

The European Union has requested WTO dispute consultations with Russia regarding measures restricting the exportation of certain wood products from Russia. The request was circulated to WTO members on 24 January. 

India appeals panel reports in disputes targeting Indian sugar subsidies

India has notified the Dispute Settlement Body of its decision to appeal the panel reports in the cases brought by Brazil, Australia and Guatemala in “India — Measures Concerning Sugar and Sugarcane” (DS579, DS580, DS581). The panel reports were circulated to WTO members on 14 December. The appeal was circulated to WTO members on 11 January. 

Members review Chinese request for panel on Australian duties, rulings on Indian sugar duties

WTO members considered a request from China for the establishment of a dispute panel to review Australia’s anti-dumping and countervailing duties on certain Chinese imports at a meeting of the Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) on 25 January. Discussions also took place on a recent panel ruling targeting India’s subsidies for sugar producers and US duties on ripe olives from Spain. 

Tenth China Round Table looks at impact of 10 years of China Programme on LDC accessions

The Tenth China Round Table on WTO Accessions, held virtually on 18-20 January, celebrated 10 years of the China Programme, with participants reflecting on its impact on the accession of least-developed countries (LDCs) and discussing the future direction of this initiative. The event also provided an opportunity for trade experts to present a study reviewing the results of accession for the nine countries that have joined the organization as LDCs since 1995 — Nepal, Cambodia, Cabo Verde, Samoa, Vanuatu, Lao PDR, Yemen, Liberia and Afghanistan. 

Ukraine launches safeguard investigation on certain types of cheese

Ukraine notified the WTO’s Committee on Safeguards that it initiated on 24 December 2021 a safeguard investigation on certain types of cheese. 

Given that the world still is facing the COVID-19 pandemic, the WCO has updated the COVID-19 HS classification reference lists for medical supplies, priority medicines, vaccines and related equipment to reflect the amendments to the HS 2022 edition. 

WTO dispute panel issues report regarding US safeguard on large residential washers

The WTO circulated the panel report in the case brought by the Republic of Korea in “United States — Safeguard measure on imports of large residential washers” (DS546).




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