Brazil customs tariff update
Brazil customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the duty rates for certain products classified under the tariff chapters 04, 48 and 90.
Canada customs tariff update
Canada customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the annual tariff changes, which will be effective from 01 January 2024.
Colombia customs tariff update
Colombia customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the preferential duty rates for various products classified under the Colombia – Cuba free trade agreement.
El Salvador customs tariff update
El Salvador customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the preferential duty rates for certain products classified under the tariff chapters 04, 07 and 08.
EU Customs tariff update
- Classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature
85285291 - A multifunctional apparatus in a housing with front control buttons, to be installed in the dashboard of a motor vehicle.
- Commission implementing regulations concerning the classification of certain goods in the Combined Nomenclature
85049017 - A radiator, with dimensions of approximately 520 × 700 × 3 500 mm, consisting of 2 to 32 (depending on the model) rectangular panels made of galvanised sheet metal with a grooved structure, surface welded to each other.
- Taric codes closed
The TARIC codes below were closed on 15.11.2023.
Old codes – 8544700090/80 - - 8544700091/80, 8544700099/80
The following TARIC codes were created on 16.11.2023.
New codes – 8544700091/10, 8544700091/80, 8544700099/80
The TARIC codes below were closed on 20.11.2023
Codes closed – 2106909260/80 – 2106909265/80, 2106909285/80
The following TARIC codes were created on 21.11.2023
New codes – 2106909265/10, 2106909265/80, 2106909285/80, 2106909815/80, 2905490015/80, 2905490085/80
India customs tariff update
India customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the exemption of BCD and AIDC duty on import of Yellow Peas [HS 0713 10 10] up to 31.03.2024.
Switzerland customs tariff update
Switzerland customs authority has updated the import tariff. The customs tariff will be adapted with effect from January 1, 2024 following the removal of customs duties on industrial products and the simplification of the structure of the customs tariff for industrial products.
United Kingdom customs tariff update
United Kingdom customs authority has updated the import tariff. Update includes the changes in the import and preferential duty rates for certain products classified under tariff chapters 08, 28, 84 etc.